Connect Groups

Connect Groups meet two or three times a month for Bible study, prayer and fellowship in various homes around the area.

They are a vital part of our life at St Andrew’s and we encourage everyone to be involved in one of these groups.

All are welcome to join a group, or just to try one for a session or two to see how it feels...


They exist to:

  • enable us to meet in a small, informal setting

  • help us to grow in our Christian faith

  • serve one another in mutual care and encouragement

  • look outwards to support those around us.

Currently, Connect Groups meet on

  • Tuesday mornings

  • Wednesday afternoons

  • Wednesday evenings

  • Friday mornings (Ladies' Bible Study).

For further information, please contact James Cook email.


'A great opportunity to study,

learn and grow together in faith'

'Really helpful
to pray together and
to encourage each other’

'Good food, great fellowship,
wonderful Bible study’

‘There’s always
something to take away
and put into practice! ’



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